Much of the literature on resilience is either irrelevant to the built environment, or too technical and academic for the public reader. Resilience Action Fund aims to fill this gap with publications and films that the common person can easily comprehend and put to use in their private or business lives. This also includes policymakers who are often overwhelmed and baffled by confusing, contradictory and self-serving information from public, semi-public or business sources.
Until now the criteria and process by which built environment resilience decisions are made and implemented have been a ‘black box’, closely-guarded by interests who benefit from the status quo. RAF’s authors have former insider experience, know how the system works and realize the problems it creates. They are now free to critique and share this knowledge with the public.
Our first book is ‘Resilience -The Ultimate Sustainability: Lessons from Failing to Develop a Stronger and Safer Built Environment’, was published in 2015.
The second book ‘ResilieNomics – Value in an Age of Disasters’ published in 2025
Our first documentary film ‘Built to Last? – Saving Our Homes in the Age of Disasters’ has broadcast since 2018 over 500 times on PBS and other stations around the world. It can be viewed for free at
The second documentary ‘Built to Last – Buyer Beware’ will be released in 2025.
RAF is looking for authors and film producers, who are aligned with its goals, and invites them to discuss collaboration.
In order to attract a wide public audience, RAF aims to keep its retail prices below $30 for hardcopy versions. It will freely distribute its film materials.
To do so, it has become its own editor, publisher, distributor and promoter. RAF encourages its book authors to contribute all book proceeds to its non-profit causes.