Advancing Awareness, Transparency & Education for Greater Resilience in the Built Environment
For a Stronger and Safer Built Environment

2022 Resilience Action Fund Internship Opportunities


Resilience Action Fund (RAF), a 501(c)3 non-profit, is offering three paid internship opportunities for university students or recent graduates (not yet fully employed):


Location: remote

Duration: 2 months (can be extended if mutually agreed)

Start date: flexible

Hours: flexible (goals will be mutually-agreed)

Status: independent contractor, US citizen or resident

Payment: $2,500 per month

Bonus: three 1-hr career mentoring sessions with RAF Founder and Chair, Aris Papadopoulos

Pre-requisites: read or listen to the book: Resilience – The Ultimate Sustainability and watch the 1-hr documentary Built to Last?

To apply: send resume, statement of interest and questions to [email protected]

Internship descriptions & skills:

  1. Building Code Tracker: This publicly available online web tool started by an intern in 2021 is still under development. 2022 goals include adding website and data features and compiling the building code history for 5 US states, with a focus on resilience standards. Skills: web programming, civil engineering, information research
  2. Buyers Guide to Resilient Homes: Track, monitor, suggest and help implement outreach improvements for an ongoing social media campaign, which aims to promote the Guide to consumers seeking new homes or planning to remodel existing homes. Skills: social media, communications, marketing
  3. US Launch Plan for the Building Resilience Index: Develop a strategy and plan for the US launch of an index that rates the hazard resilience of buildings (target 2024). RAF has been the lead advisor to the World Bank, which developed the Index in 2021 and is presently launching it in developing countries. The US plan would likely explore utilizing and training networks that support USGBC’s LEED green building rating.  Skills: civil engineering, planning, entrepreneurship


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